Photo competition

Get snapping!
We are asking people to get snap happy this autumn in our brand new photo competition by sharing your favourite days out in the county. Photographs can be of anything as long as it showcases something that is great about Northumberland - from a walk along one of our many stunning beaches, to discovering a hidden gem.
Professional photographers and amateur snappers of all ages are invited to enter, and there are some great prizes up for grabs.
The winning photographer will enjoy being King of the castle for the night with the first prize an overnight stay for two people, dinner, bed & breakfast at Langley Castle. A runner-up will receive a family pass for the spectacular Enchanted Belsay winter evening events. There will also be a £50 Amazon voucher for an Under 16’s winner.
Submit entries to: by 5pm on Sunday November 3rd.
2019 Autumn Photography Competition Rules
Pictures should be submitted by email to adding “Northumberland Photography Competition” to the subject line.
Children's entries must include child’s name, age, along with the entrants name, address and contact number; and a brief description of why the photo scene is special to them.
Pictures should be of a high enough resolution to be used in future publicity.
This competition is open to UK residents only.
You must provide your name, address, telephone number and email details if you wish to enter this competition. Northumberland County Council will only ever use your personal details for the purposes of administering this competition, and will not publish them or provide them to anyone without your permission.
A maximum of three entries will be accepted per person.
Each entry must have a title and location and may include an optional description.
Deadline for receiving entries is 5pm on Sunday November 3rd.
The judges' decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
You agree to take part in any competition publicity if asked to do so.
You must supply full details as required above, and comply with all rules to be eligible for the prize(s). No responsibility is accepted for ineligible entries or entries made fraudulently.
By submitting your photograph(s) to the Northumberland County Council you agree to grant Northumberland County Council and its partners, free of charge, the right to publish and the right to licence others to publish the photograph online and in all media as required.
By submitting your photograph to Northumberland County Council you agree to your name being published in relation to your photograph online and in all media.
Your entry must be entirely your own original work, not defame anybody nor breach any copyright.
If your photograph features any recognisable person or people, written permission should be obtained for the image to be entered in the competition and to be published online and in all media as required. Written permission from each recognisable person (or their parents/guardians if under 16) should be submitted for each entry.
This competition is not open to any person involved in the running of the competition, or their immediate family members.
Northumberland County Council reserves the right to cancel this competition at any stage.
If a winning entrant is unable to be contacted after reasonable attempts have been made to do so, Northumberland County Council reserves the right to offer the prize to the next best entry.
Northumberland County Council reserves the right to disqualify any entry which breaches any of these rules or to withhold a prize if in its opinion entries do not reach the required standard.
Winning Entry – Overnight stay for two, dinner, bed & breakfast at Langley Castle
Runner-up - Family Ticket for Enchanted Belsay
Under 16’s - £50 Amazon voucher