Newcastle Airport
Reaching new heights in air travel
For too many people air travel, or rather airports, can be the weak link in an otherwise relaxed and happy holiday chain. Enter Newcastle Airport, small but perfectly formed, it combines the ease of a smaller airport with the facilities and connectivity of a far bigger one. Parking? Right outside the front door. Security cues? Just a few minutes most of the time. Immigration queues? Snap. In fact. in 2018, Newcastle Airport was named best in its category in the annual Airport Service Quality Awards and judged to be the best small airport for customer service in Europe.
But this ease of travel doesn't just happen by magic, behind the radars, the security scanners, the bars and restaurants, and the baggage carousels is a small army of dedicated staff, many very long serving, for whom working at the airport isn't just away of earning a living, it's a way of life. Between them they contribute to the smooth running of this vital part of the region's transport infrastructure and play their part in attracting and supporting investment, businesses big and small and of course tourism to our special part of the UK.
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Newcastle International Airport is an international airport located on the outskirts of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, about 6.5 miles north-west of the city centre.